5 Fun Mani-Pedi Combos to Try and the Top 10 Reasons Your Manicure or Pedicure Went Wrong.

Depending on your climate, Memorial Day Weekend might be the first time you’ll be flashing a mani-pedi in months. Only weeks before summer solstice, this 3-day weekend will be perfect practice for getting your summer polish game on-point. Our 10-Free Nail Polish is completely free of the top 10 toxic ingredients found in most conventional nail polishes. No formaldehyde, toluene, DBP, camphor, formaldehyde resin, xylene, parabens, fragrances, phthalates or animal ingredients. They’re cruelty-free, too!
Start by giving your hands a good scrub down with our Coconut Body Scrub to gently exfoliate your skin and bring on the scent of summer vacation vibes.
Remove any old nail polish with a Natural Nail Polish Remover. Clip your nails to the desired length and shape with an Emery Board. Did you see that almond nails are trending this summer? Avoid super coarse nail files to prevent nail splintering. Use a Nail Buffer to gently sweep the tops of your nails for an even surface. Don’t overbuff your surface or the nail polish will have nothing to adhere to.
Fill a small dish with warm water and pump a little of our Organic High Potency Reversal: Cleansing Foam in. Give it a little swirl and soak your nail tips in this solution for about three minutes. Don’t soak for too long (even though it’s tempting)! Over-soaking can actually damage your nails and cuticles. Gently push back cuticles, making sure to be extra gentle and only snip off thickened skin, not the actual cuticle itself. It’s best to be cautious and under clip than over clip your cuticles. The cuticle protects your delicate nail beds. Pat off any excess water before moving on.
Many thin layers is the key to success. Globbing on one or two thick layers will lead to sadness (and peeling) later on. Start with one thin layer of our Horsetail Base Coat Polish to set the foundation. Next apply one thin layer of your 10-Free Nail Polish. See below for some destination inspired combos. Let this layer thoroughly dry, then apply a second thin coat. Two coats will usually be the perfect opacity. Don’t be tempted to speed up the drying process with a hair dryer. The heat will actually hinder the setting process. Wrap it up with a thin layer of our Glass Top Coat Polish to keep this at home manicure chip-free; lasting all weekend long. Wait about 10-15 minutes for nails to completely dry before moving to the next step.
Finish off this at home spa experience with our Pink Grapefruit Hand Buttercream. Our rich formula will moisturize, soften and deeply nourish with anti-aging vitamins and antioxidants to keep your hands looking healthy and happy.

Whether you’re street-side at D.C.’s big parade or beach-side on the NorCal coast, get your fingers and toesies looking picture perfect with our 10-Free Nail Polish.
Each Memorial Day, our nation’s capital hosts special events to honor centuries of bravery and sacrifice by fallen U.S. soldiers. Show your star-spangled support with your mani-pedi as you attend the powerful Memorial Day Parade, visit the hallowed Arlington National Cemetery, and endless city museums to commemorate American heroes.

Close to our heart, this veritable paradise on the NorCal coastline is so picturesque that if you are planning to spend time there be advised to book early. The rugged grandeur of ocean cliffs and riverside campsites draw families, spa-seekers, and nature-enthusiasts alike! If you’re one of the lucky who gets a spot amongst the towering redwoods, match your mani-pedi to the coastal sunsets and the heavenly oceanside pool of McWay Waterfall.

Miami Beach is a year-round destination where the gorgeously bronzed go to lounge in the Florida sun, recline under swaying palms with a drink in hand, and party til dawn. Memorial Day will be no different; Floridians will get a healthy dose of fun in the sun by way of music, food and drink in this domestic tropical paradise. Help your mani-pedi capture the spirit of warm sun, gentle waves, and Atlantic sunsets with this trio of summertime nail polish.

Known for its stunning estates, crisply dressed residents and miles of breathtaking beaches, The Hamptons is the top summer destination for Northeast residents. Maybe you scored an exclusive guest pass to a Shingle Style bungalow, or have a romantic beach blanket picnic with your sweetie planned. Match your mani-pedi to the pale ocean horizon and soft pinks of the sunset amongst the dunes. No matter your Hamptons social schedule, your nails will be the perfect accessory to complement a classic Memorial Day weekend getaway.

Not to be outdone, The Big Easy will host a slew of party-goers this Memorial Day weekend. You can indulge in delectable deep-fried goodies, sample spicy Cajun cuisine, and experience some of the world’s finest jazz and blues. While you’re soaking in some tunes on Frenchmen Street or tip toeing through the Haunted French Quarter, don your nails to match the soul of this city brimming with vibrant history and culture.
Who doesn’t love a little #selfcare session? Especially when there is some extra time to do each step properly. If done correctly, those tips and tricks can be heaven-sent but when you’re rushing the process, it can ruin your entire paint job. Here are some common nail problems with solutions to get you back on track for a perfect at home manicure or pedicure.
- You’re not using a base coat or top coat.
Some people feel like these might be unnecessary steps, or try to get by using a base coat as a top coat, or vice versa. If you want to walk away with a salon quality mani/pedi done at home, you’ll need to stick to these crucial steps to properly protect your nails from start to finish.
- Forgetting to clean your tools after your last manicure or pedicure.
Have you read those salon horror stories? Us too! You need to apply the same cleanliness at home. Bacteria can build up (even if it’s only yours), so cleaning your tools after each use is important. Never store your tools in a sealed bag; you’re just making the perfect home for a 6th grade science project.
- Using Q-Tips to clean up any nail polish mistakes.
This fuzzy bathroom staple have no place in the nail game. They are too bulbous to get into tight detail work or mess-ups. Instead use an old makeup brush dipped in natural nail polish remover to touch up any smudges or polish on skin.
- Shaking instead of rolling your nail polish bottle.
Tiny bubbles...is what’s happening inside when you’re treating your nail polish bottle like a cocktail shaker. Instead, gently roll the bottle in your hands, like you’re making a snake out of dough.
- Painting your nails when it’s way too hot or humid.
Don’t fight the weather, you’ll always lose to Mother Nature. If you can’t get to a cool or dry place, just wait or treat yourself to a salon session with a temperature controlled environment.
- Filing your nails like a saw.
Don’t file your nails with frantic back and forth motions. By practicing this motion you are creating tiny tears and splits in your nails, that worsen over time. Opt for filing in one direction to steer clear of full on cracks happening later on.
- Painting nail polish on in one stroke instead of three to four.
Abiding by the one and done rule here will make your manicure look like a racing strip. Take a technique from the pros and apply your nail polish in three to four strokes per nail. Start with a center swipe on your nail, then swipe down the right, then left and return to the center for one final swipe to blend it all together (if necessary).
- Moisturizing before you start painting your nails.
We aren’t saying don’t moisturize (it’s a key step) but just be mindful of where it is in your routine. Leave this for the final step to avoid greasy or oily nails that will make your surface too slippery for nail polish to properly adhere to.
- Using old, expired nail polish.
It’s hard to toss a bottle that’s not completely empty but if your nail polish is resembling salt water taffy, it’s time to say goodbye. If it’s been over 12 months, start fresh with a new 10-Free Nail Polish shade you’ve been eyeing.
- Removing nail polish with acetone based formulas.
Let’s keep kicking those chemicals to the curb. Opt for a more natural-based formula, that’s gentler for your next manicure or pedicure. The acetone might be faster but it’s not doing your nails any favors in the long run. The chemicals are drying you out, leaving behind whitened skin and brittle nails.
There you have it! Follow our at home nail polish guide for the perfect manicure or pedicure. You might even find yourself finding excuses to flash those perfectly manicured hands or toes all over Instagram. Looking for more nail inspiration? Follow our Pinterest board for what’s trending for #ManiMonday. If you're a beginner or want to learn how to perfect your mani-pedi, check out out our beginner's guide to a manicure and pedicure at home.
We carefully hand-select products based on strict purity standards, and only recommend products we feel meet this criteria. 100% PURE™ may earn a small commission for products purchased through affiliate links.
The information in this article is for educational use, and not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be used as such.