If you’ve ever had a pet, you understand that the bond formed with them is priceless, pure love. Take a moment and think of that dog you adore...think of its head being smashed on the concrete. By people. On purpose. Without a care. And your cat, think of someone pulling out all of its hair, exerting unnecessary and inhumane pain for your pet. In the name of fashion, or beauty, or money. These poor, helpless creatures may not be able to speak...but they can feel. Their suffering is real. Why are people supporting this industry? We have to be their voice. We must put an end to their pain.
Our choices as humans directly impact animals, for better or worse. Personally, I believe that veganism is a better choice for the body and for our environment. I grew up vegan, so my admiration and respect for animals began at a young age. My passion for animal welfare has only grown stronger over the years. It’s a running joke that I like animals more than people, but actually, it holds some truth to me. My puppies are my babies. My kids. They are a huge facet of my everyday life and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Our office has three dogs strolling around it at all times. Sometimes other pups come to visit, too. Animals are a big part of who we are as people, and a big part of who we are as a brand.
100% of all our products are cruelty-free. That includes our entire makeup brush set, which uses antibacterial synthetic fibers that haven’t caused any animals harm! Most other brushes are made from the hair of goats, horses, squirrels, sable and mink. Many of these animals are subjected to the cruel fur industry. The following two sentences are uncomfortable to read, but we think it’s critical to share the truth. “Every year, millions of animals are trapped, drowned and beaten to death in the wild and strangled, electrocuted, or beaten and skinned alive on fur farms...workers are often paid by volume, which can result in serious injuries [for the animals]. Many makeup brushes are manufactured in developing countries where there are few or no animal welfare regulations.” (PETA)
At 100% PURE®, we pride ourselves in being 100% cruelty-free; we have never and will never test on animals. From start to finish, all of our ingredients and final formulas are pure, with good conscience. We know it’s possible to formulate great products without harming any animals in the process. We wish that were the case for all of the beauty industry! It is so important to spread awareness of the animal cruelty happening in the world (even if it’s difficult to talk about). Once you know the truth, it’s hard not to do something about it! If we don’t speak up and take a stand for our furry friends, who will? We think PETA’s pretty cool, and there are lots of ways to get involved. I personally donate to Soi Dog Foundation and highly recommend you check them out. You can pick a dog (or many!) to sponsor. For under a dollar a day, you can positively and directly impact the lives of these animals!
Much of our company mission revolves around education, whether it’s about clean beauty health benefits or supporting animal welfare initiatives. Our love runs deep: we give thousands upon thousands of dollars to charities that help animals...on the regular! Check out all of our partners here. And if you haven’t already, sign up for our newsletter at 100% PURE to be the first to know when there are new non-profit animal groups to support! When you purchase any of our charity bundles, 100% of the proceeds go to our charity of the month. Thank you for your support -- together we can and do make a difference!
- Tags: December-2016, Inspiration, Susies Lab
We carefully hand-select products based on strict purity standards, and only recommend products we feel meet this criteria. 100% PURE™ may earn a small commission for products purchased through affiliate links.
The information in this article is for educational use, and not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be used as such.