Protect skin from spooky morning-after smudges and breakouts with a natural makeup remover
Written by: 100% PURE®
What’s spookier than Halloween? Spending the night itching, scratching, or burning from common skin irritants found in Halloween makeup. Like kids threatening mischief in absence of treats, your skin can also play mean tricks the morning after if it’s not treated well.
Don’t let drugstore Halloween makeup cut your All Hallows Eve short! We’re shining a strobe light on the do’s and don’ts of Halloween makeup, and how a natural makeup remover can step in to save the day. Read on to hear why (and how) to care for your skin after trick-or-treating to avoid waking up to a super spooky complexion nightmare!
What’s the best way to take your Halloween costume from cute Snapchat filter to ‘gram-worthy gold? A flawless makeup look, of course! From scary to all-out sultry looks, Halloween is perfect for getting creative with your makeup – which can easily elevate your costume, too.
As with all makeup, it's important to properly prep your skin before applying. This will ensure that it goes on smoothly, without risking irritation or damage to your skin.

Start with a fresh face
We may not be too sure of Pennywise’s enigmatic expression, but we’re pretty certain that even the infamous clown started with a clean face – and so should you! We also know you’ll be rushing from work/school to costume and makeup in a hurry, to make it to your party on time.
In a time-crunch, you might be tempted to apply Halloween makeup onto your day makeup, but this is a total Hallo-screech! Slam on those ghastly brakes, and wash your day off with a natural makeup remover. Cleansing your face will also help to remove any pore-clogging sweat and bacteria from the day, before you inadvertently trap it under your trick-or-treat makeup.
Moisturize to protect your skin
Unless you’re going for that Humpty Dumpty or broken doll look, make sure to apply a moisturizer before Halloween makeup. The point is to minimize any drying out and cracking of makeup throughout the night. Applying a moisturizer also provides somewhat of a barrier between your skin and any harmful toxins that may be in your costume makeup.
PRO TIP: Careful not to go overboard on moisturizing or your Halloween makeup won’t stick, and you end up sad clown instead of Ronald McDonald.
Use a primer
When it’s All Hallows Eve, we’ll find any way to go all-out, from incorporating glitter eye shadow to double decker lashes. Jaw-dropping makeup is no exception! Don’t slide by without applying a makeup primer first. Choosing the correct primer – whether it be shimmery or matte – creates a buffer between your skin and petrochemical dyes, adhesives, and heavy glitter. It will also help your makeup go on more smoothly and stick on throughout the night.
FACT: Creams and liners used for Halloween makeup can be dyed with arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, and mercury – aka heavy metals. The FDA has done extensive research on these colorants, and many have been deemed unsafe for use around the mouth, eyes, and nose (where they can be ingested, damage eyesight, or infiltrate your lungs). Consider trying natural makeup as an alternative to conventional face paints.

It’s official: Halloween is over – boo! Whether you’re home before you turn into a pumpkin or feel Cinderella can Uber without you, one thing is a must before bedtime: washing your face! Never sleep in your Halloween makeup – and eye makeup? Don’t you dare.
To avoid burning eyes and a skin nightmare the following morning, use the golden rule when it comes to makeup and skin care: take it all off before bed.
Wash and repeat
The real magic happens by washing everything off, twice. Halloween makeup tends to be very heavy, so you’ll need a 2-step cleansing routine to get it all off. We recommend first using a natural makeup remover like our Blood Orange Cleansing Balm. This moisturizing facial cleanser is made with degreasing blood orange, plus coconut and olive oils to sweep away even the most stubborn makeup, debris, and impurities.
For second wave cleansing, use a water-based face wash or micellar water. The latter are skin care gems comprised of oil-bonding micelle molecules. Micellar waters are designed to feel mild yet work effectively, with calming ingredients and ultra-quenching botanical hydrosols. Choose one with real botanicals and natural makeup remover abilities, to tone and purify skin while erasing stubborn pigments.
Remove makeup in the right order
If you’re washing around double-decker lashes and a unicorn horn prosthetic glued to your head, you’ll wake the house up with a Hallow-scream. By removing your makeup in order, you’ll minimize the risk of damaging your skin with unnecessary yanking, tugging, and scrubbing. Take off prosthetics, false lashes, and areas with glitter first, then move to the base layer. This ensures that your natural makeup removers can effectively do their job, without obstructions.
No tugging allowed: use TLC
As with entering a haunted house, you’re going to proceed with caution – and your makeup is no exception! We understand you’re tired after a long night out, but don’t be tempted to rough up your face with hurried washing.
Pulling and rubbing at your skin (especially around your eyes) can be damaging to elasticity, firmness, and can even break capillaries. Using a natural makeup removing balm is a great way to encourage gentle massaging motions, instead of rubbing and scrubbing.
PRO TIP: Adding a natural eye makeup remover to your cleansing routine can help melt away stubborn makeup and glitter in the delicate eye area.
Creating a frightening face for All Hallows Eve is perfectly okay, but you don’t want the effect carrying through to the next morning. Applying your Halloween makeup and taking it off properly is key! Even if you get home late, don't forget our tips and finishing with your normal night routine before bed. Your skin will thank you in the morning!
Want more tips on how to avoid toxic Halloween makeup? How about skin-safe Halloween makeup looks and tutorials? Check out our blog to get the latest on these topics and more!
- Tags: October-2019
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