Want to live a healthy lifestyle without becoming fully vegan? Don't worry, the plant-based diet is the solution to all your problems.
Written by: 100% PURE ®
The term plant-based diet is quite self-explanatory. In this particular diet plan, the food mainly consists of plants. Fruits and vegetables are the two star components but you can also add seeds, oils, legumes, nuts, and grains. Many people make this choice due to their conscience. They want to make this world better for everyone who's living in it.
100% Pure has been working hard in finding more plant-based ingredients to use in its formula. As a vegan and cruelty-free brand, our prime focus is to utilize the resources nature has given us without harming any other living creature. We believe there's a natural, more harmless substitute for everything. Our Tea Tree & Willow Clarifying Cleanser is one good example of using a direct extract from tea tree oil for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

One look at the research reports on a plant-based diet can tell you its innumerable advantages. From providing a lesser risk of getting chronic illnesses to having a great impact on the environment, plant-based diets do have all the benefits.
Reduce the risk of high blood pressure
It is well-known that people who suffer from high blood pressure should avoid meat at all costs. Nothing triggers a serious health threat (ie. a stroke) like eating a large amount of meat, particularly beef. Hence, it is best to opt for a plant-based diet. It will keep your blood pressure under control and won't worsen any existing medical condition.
Prevents Heart Diseases
Nearly 18 million people lose their lives every year due to cardiovascular diseases. Saturated fats in meat are the main culprit behind the rising cases of heart attacks every year. If you don't have heart disease then it's best to switch to a plant-based diet to keep it that way. However, if you have one then going vegan is probably a much safer option. Take the oath on World Vegan Day and consider coming to the greener side!
Helps in Losing Weight
Basically, a plant-based diet helps you maintain a healthy weight. For obese people, it can help boost their metabolism so that they can shed those extra pounds quickly. And for underweight people, it can provide necessary nutrients that they could be missing in an otherwise unhealthy eating lifestyle.
Stop the Spread of Zoonotic Illnesses
Scientists refer to viruses like swine flu, Covid-19, avian flu, and bovine spongiform as zoonotic illnesses. The origin of all these viruses can be traced back to animals. This is why it can be simply deduced that people who follow a plant-based diet or vegan diet always have fewer chances of getting infected. Adapting the plant-based diet lifestyle would be great for controlling the spread of these animal-borne diseases
Control the After-effects of Menopause
Every lady who hits menopause knows what hell awaits her after that. One thing that many women dread as they stop getting their period is the severe hot flashes that keep on hitting them throughout the day. Eating a plant-based diet, particularly vegetables will help reduce the severity of these hot flashes and shivering which follows after.
Good for Asthma Patients
Apart from air pollution, another thing that is the biggest enemy of asthmatic patients is deep-fried chicken. Junk food has often been related as a factor that can have a negative impact on the health of someone who already has asthma. The high quantity of oil and saturated fat can trigger an asthma attack. To counter it, adopting a plant-based lifestyle would be a great option. It won't require you to completely leave meat but would lessen your intake to a great extent.
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After Covid-19, the world is collectively opting toward a healthier eating style. During quarantine, so many dishes were created out of the already available ingredients. Since many people were avoiding meat, the plant-based diet became a suitable option for many. Today, things have pretty much gone back to normal but the plant-based diet has become a lifestyle for many. Many medical researchers and nutritionists have also confirmed that everyone can adopt this diet.
Many people mistake a plant-based diet for a vegan diet but that's not true. One can eat meat in this diet but the intake and frequency of it should be minimal. Most of your food supply should be coming from plants instead of animals. There is no hard and fast rule about the accurate ratio of meat quantity in a plant-based diet but out of 3 meals, 2 should be plant-based. It is perfect for those who want to try veganism but get intimidated by its no-meat approach. Eating a small amount of meat with more diverse types of food is precisely what plant-based diets are all about.
There could be any reason for you to adapt to a plant-based diet. You could be concerned about reducing your carbon footprint or you might be seriously thinking about being more healthy. Perhaps you were inspired by a celebrity post on World Vegan Day. Well, the good news is that you are making a great choice. Now, let's talk about the steps that you need to take as a beginner to adopt a plant-based lifestyle.
Now that we have talked about what food should be decreased, let's talk about foods that are essential in making this diet effective.
All kinds of fruits i.e apples, mango, banana, pineapple, etc
All the seasonal vegetables i.e broccoli, carrots, potatoes, peppers, spinach, kale, tomato, etc
Whole grains i.e quinoa, barley, oats, brown rice, etc
Nuts i.e almonds, cashews, walnut, etc
Legumes i.e beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc
Healthy fats i.e olive oil, almond oil, etc
Plant-based Milk i.e coconut milk, almond milk, etc
Plant-based protein: Tofu, plant-based protein supplements, etc
Don't Make A Drastic Change
To follow a plant-based diet regularly, you need to ease yourself into it. It means don't go cold turkey on meat and other processed food. Since it's not a vegan diet plan, don't treat it like one either. Keep decreasing your meat quantity till you are following the 2/3 ratio of this diet. After that, it's up to you to keep it that way or go the vegan route.
Do check out this blog post if you want to learn more about vegan living!
- Tags: November-2022, Wellness
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The information in this article is for educational use, and not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be used as such.