We asked you “What’s the best (Motherly) advice you’ve shared or received?"
Whether you’re a new Mom, seasoned Mom, or pet Mom; we’ve all shared tips and advice to help make our lives a little easier and more fun along the way. We asked all our fans to share their life lessons with our Community so we can all grow and learn together.

We've rounded up our Top 10 Favorites from our Instagram Fans to share with you.
Top 10 #MomTips:
- Don't compare! That goes for your parenting choices, your kids, your pre and post mommy body. Comparing just takes you away from the important role of loving and doing what you know is best for you and your babes! We each have a special and unique family, and that is a good thing.
Submitted by: @eeguertin - Memories are more important than a clean house.
Submitted by: @aziza_asif - Take a nap when they do.
Submitted by: @apotatolover - The best advice I ever received was to never wish things away. Stop wishing for that next step (when they are older, when they sleep through the night, when they are independent, etc) and just live in the present and enjoy every stage. It all goes by so fast!
Submitted by: @caseyjrepking24 - Treat everyone with kindness because you never know their whole story.
Submitted by: @polkadotbeaute - You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of someone else. Being tired, rundown, and unhealthy isn't good. Don't feel bad or selfish for taking care of you.
Submitted by: @rw_99 - Always listen to your gut! Go with your instincts and never let people force their opinions on you. Do what you think is right.
Submitted by: @stefanie_trautmann - Doesn't matter how old you get, you will always need your mom!
Submitted by: @shelbyacarlson - The only thing you can control in your life is your attitude and how you react to a situation.
Submitted by: @mrs.phillyb - Always be myself and not care what others think about me. It doesn't always come easy, but I remember this advice and work on it daily.
Submitted by: @the_40_year_old_vegan
- Tags: Living
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