Keep Your Skin Clear and Glowing All Summer Long

Written by: 100% PURE®
Summer Breakouts Can Happen—Here's How to Treat and Prevent Them

Imagine stepping out into the bright summer sunshine, your skin radiant and clear, a perfect canvas reflecting the joy of the season. You're at a beach party, laughing with friends, the sun setting in a picturesque blaze of color. Not a single blemish mars your glowing complexion. This is the summer you’ve always dreamed of—a summer where your skin feels as light and carefree as your spirit.

But let’s face reality. As temperatures rise and the days grow longer, your skin faces a relentless barrage of challenges. The combination of hot weather, sticky humidity, and increased outdoor activities creates a perfect storm for summer breakouts. Sweat mixes with natural oils, and before you know it, your pores are clogged. Add in the constant use of sunscreen, which, while necessary, can sometimes exacerbate the problem, and it feels like your skin is fighting a losing battle.

You’re not alone in this struggle. Many of us find that the summer months, despite their allure of fun and relaxation, come with the unwelcome surprise of breakouts. You might find yourself hiding behind hats or skipping social events, hoping to avoid any comments about your skin. The frustration can make you long for the cooler, calmer days of winter when your skin seems much more manageable.

But don’t despair. There’s hope—and a solution. Imagine again that picture-perfect summer, where instead of worrying about blemishes, you're focusing on making memories. With the right strategies and products, you can reclaim your clear skin and confidence. It’s time to arm yourself with knowledge and tools to treat and prevent summer breakouts, ensuring your skin stays as fresh and vibrant as your summer adventures.

This summer, take control of your skin’s destiny. Embrace these strategies, and you’ll find yourself stepping into the sunshine with confidence, your skin as radiant and carefree as the season itself. The promise of clear, glowing skin isn’t just a dream—it’s within your reach. With a little care and the right approach, you can enjoy every moment of summer, free from the worry of breakouts.

100% PURE - Woman in a hat protecting her face from the summer sin

Understanding Summer Breakouts

Imagine this: It's the peak of summer, and the days are long and sun-drenched. You’re relishing in outdoor activities, perhaps lounging by the beach or taking a hike through a lush forest. Everything seems perfect—until you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and notice your skin isn't as clear as it was just a few weeks ago. Summer breakouts have a way of sneaking up on us, disrupting our plans and our confidence.

But why does this happen? The culprit lies in the very essence of summer itself: heat and humidity. As the temperature rises, our bodies respond by ramping up sweat and oil production in an attempt to cool down and maintain a healthy skin barrier. However, this increase in sweat and oil often leads to clogged pores, setting the stage for breakouts.

Let's go deeper into the key triggers:

Sweat: As we enjoy our summer activities, sweat mixes with bacteria and oils on our skin. This concoction can block pores, leading to those pesky summer breakouts.

Sunscreen: While crucial for protecting our skin from harmful UV rays, certain sunscreens can be comedogenic, meaning they have the potential to clog pores and cause acne.

Increased Oil Production: Our skin tends to produce more oil in hot, humid weather. This excess oil, combined with dead skin cells, can block pores and lead to breakouts.

Environmental Pollutants: Summer often means more time spent outdoors, exposing our skin to pollutants that can contribute to clogged pores and inflammation.

Types of Summer Breakouts

Summer breakouts aren't one-size-fits-all. They come in various forms, each with its unique characteristics and challenges. Understanding these different types can help in effectively treating and preventing them.

Acne Vulgaris

The most common type of acne, acne vulgaris, often makes an unwelcome appearance during the summer months. This type is characterized by blackheads, whiteheads, and inflamed pimples. The increased oil and sweat during summer create a perfect breeding ground for the bacteria that cause acne, leading to clogged pores and inflamed skin.

Heat Rash

Also known as prickly heat, heat rash presents as red, itchy bumps that can be quite uncomfortable. It occurs when sweat ducts become blocked, trapping sweat under the skin. This is especially common in areas where clothing causes friction, such as the underarms, chest, and groin. Those sweltering summer days combined with tight clothing can exacerbate heat rash, making it a frequent summer woe.


Folliculitis is the inflammation of hair follicles, often resulting from a combination of sweat and friction. It manifests as small, red bumps that can sometimes be itchy or sore. Folliculitis can occur anywhere on the body where hair follicles are present, but it's most common on the thighs, buttocks, neck, and scalp. Summer activities like swimming, which introduce bacteria from pools or lakes, can increase the risk of developing folliculitis.

Effective Strategies to Treat and Prevent Summer Breakouts

Summer is synonymous with fun in the sun, but it can also mean an uptick in pesky breakouts. The combination of heat, humidity, and increased outdoor activities can wreak havoc on your skin. Fortunately, with the right strategies, you can keep your complexion clear and glowing. Here’s how to treat and prevent those summer breakouts, using a few key products that should become staples in your skincare arsenal.

Gentle Cleansing

Imagine stepping off a sandy beach, the sun beginning to set, and the waves gently lapping at the shore. Your skin has been through a lot—sweat, sunscreen, and possibly sand. The Pore Detox Herbal Cleanser is like a refreshing dip in the ocean for your face. This gentle cleanser dives deep into your pores, washing away impurities without stripping your skin of its natural oils.

The key to effective cleansing during summer is consistency. Make it a ritual to cleanse twice daily. Picture yourself waking up with the sunrise, washing away the nighttime buildup, and then again at night, removing the day's accumulation of sweat and grime. This simple act keeps your pores clear and prevents the initial stages of breakout formation.


Next, imagine a deep breath of crisp, mountain air, invigorating and pure. That's what exfoliating with the Tea Tree Deep Detox Mask feels like for your skin. This mask gently lifts away dead skin cells and unclogs pores, ensuring that your skin can breathe freely.

Think of exfoliation as a reset button for your skin—do it 2-3 times a week. Each session removes the buildup that can block your pores and lead to breakouts. Your skin will feel rejuvenated, much like the freshness that follows a cool summer rain, leaving you ready to face the world with confidence.


Balancing your skin’s pH is crucial, especially after cleansing. Picture a lush watermelon and cucumber garden, bursting with refreshing hydration. The Watermelon Cucumber Water Locking Mist is like a gentle mist from this garden, perfectly balancing your skin and locking in moisture.

Apply this mist after every cleanse to restore harmony to your skin. It's the perfect preparation for the next steps in your skincare routine, ensuring that your skin is balanced and ready to absorb the hydration and nutrients that follow.

Oil Control

Imagine the cool, calming effect of a gentle breeze on a hot day. That’s the soothing power of the Niacinamide Boost. This product is your ally in reducing oil production and minimizing pores, much like a breeze that clears away the oppressive heat.

Use it daily, and think of it as your shield against the summer’s oil-inducing temperatures. With regular use, it keeps oil levels in check and prevents the shine that often precedes breakouts.


Hydration is key, even for oily skin. Picture a lightweight hydra drench, as refreshing as a sip of cool water on a scorching day. The Hydra Drench Cream provides just that—lightweight hydration without the added weight of oil.

Using a water-based moisturizer ensures your skin remains hydrated without feeling greasy. It’s like a drink of water for your skin, quenching its thirst and keeping it supple and smooth.

Sun Protection

Finally, never underestimate the power of sun protection. Think of the Yerba Mate Mist SPF 30 as a protective canopy, shielding you from the sun’s harsh rays while offering a matte finish that keeps oil at bay.

Daily use of SPF is non-negotiable. Imagine the peace of mind of knowing your skin is protected from UV damage, which can exacerbate breakouts and lead to premature aging. With this mist, you get protection and oil control in one refreshing spritz.

By incorporating these strategies and products into your daily routine, you can enjoy all the joys of summer without the worry of breakouts. Treat your skin with the care it deserves, and it will reward you with a clear, radiant complexion all season long.

Healthy Habits for Clear Skin in Summer

Summer is a time of freedom and fun, but it can also be a season of unexpected breakouts. Imagine you're getting ready for a big summer event, excited to show off your summer glow, only to find a cluster of pimples making an unwelcome appearance. It's a frustrating experience many of us know too well. But don’t worry; clear skin can still be within reach by adopting a few healthy habits.

Diet and Hydration

Think of your skin as a mirror reflecting what’s happening inside your body. During summer, it’s essential to nourish your skin from within. Picture your skin glowing under the summer sun, radiating health and vitality. This isn’t a dream—it’s the result of eating a balanced diet rich in antioxidants. Fill your plate with colorful fruits and vegetables like berries, spinach, and sweet potatoes. These foods fight off free radicals and prevent skin damage.

Hydration is equally crucial. Imagine your skin cells as tiny sponges. When you drink plenty of water, those cells plump up, making your skin look fresh and dewy. On a hot summer day, keep a water bottle with you. Aim for at least eight glasses a day to keep your skin hydrated and to flush out toxins that can cause breakouts.

Avoiding Heavy Makeup

Summer skin should be breathable, like a light, airy fabric. Heavy makeup can feel like a stifling blanket, trapping sweat and oil. Instead, envision yourself wearing a barely-there makeup look that lets your natural beauty shine through. Opt for lightweight, non-comedogenic products designed not to clog your pores. BB creams or tinted moisturizers with SPF can provide coverage while protecting your skin from the sun.

By reducing the layers of makeup, you’re allowing your skin to breathe and reducing the chances of developing those dreaded summer breakouts. Remember, less is more when it comes to summer beauty.

Shower After Sweating

After a run on the beach or an intense outdoor workout, you’re likely to be drenched in sweat. Imagine sweat as a magnet for dirt and bacteria, which can quickly lead to clogged pores and breakouts. The solution? Shower immediately after sweating. Think of it as a refreshing ritual to cleanse away impurities.

Use a gentle, exfoliating cleanser to remove sweat, oil, and dirt from your skin. This not only helps prevent breakouts but also leaves you feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the rest of your summer adventures.

Clean Pillowcases and Towels

Your pillowcase and towel are silent accomplices in your skincare routine. Every night, as you lay your head on your pillow, you might be transferring oil and bacteria back onto your freshly cleaned face. The same goes for your towel.

Imagine switching to a fresh pillowcase every few days and using a clean towel each time you wash your face. This simple habit can significantly reduce the amount of acne-causing bacteria and oil that come into contact with your skin. Think of it as creating a clean canvas for your skin to thrive on.

By integrating these healthy habits into your daily routine, you’re not just preventing summer breakouts—you’re embracing a lifestyle that fosters clear, radiant skin. Your skin tells your summer story; let it be one of health and happiness.

Woman using 100% PURE Tea Tree Deep Detox mask

Real Reviews from 100% PURE Customers

The sweltering heat of summer brings with it an array of skin challenges, especially those frustrating breakouts that seem to appear out of nowhere. But for many, the journey to clearer, healthier skin begins with the right products and a bit of encouragement. Here, we share real testimonials from 100% PURE customers who have triumphed over their summer skin woes, proving that transformation is not only possible but within reach for everyone.

Pore Detox Herbal Cleanser: A Game Changer for Oily Complexions

Livia had always battled with an oily complexion, particularly during the hot and humid summer months. She tried countless products, but nothing seemed to work. Then she discovered the Pore Detox Herbal Cleanser from 100% PURE. "Excellent as always. Fantastic product for my oily complexion. Love everything about it. Please never change this formula and never discontinue!” she raves. This cleanser became her trusty sidekick, helping her navigate the summer months with confidence and a shine-free face.

Tea Tree Deep Detox Mask: A Teen’s Best Friend

Teenage skin can be particularly unruly, a fact Lisabella knows all too well through her godson's experiences. He struggled with persistent pimples that dented his self-esteem. Determined to help, Lisabella sent him an entire set of tea tree skin products from 100% PURE, including the Tea Tree Deep Detox Mask. "My teenage godson is at that age where he gets pimples. I mailed him all tea tree skin products from 100% PURE. He is loving his skin!” she shares. The transformation was remarkable; the tea tree products cleared his skin and boosted his confidence, turning a difficult time into a season of newfound self-assurance.

Watermelon Cucumber Water Locking Mist: A Refreshing Revelation

For Julie, finding the right skincare product for her sensitive, combination skin was like searching for a needle in a haystack. When she stumbled upon the Watermelon Cucumber Water Locking Mist, she wasn’t expecting much. However, the results blew her away. "This Watermelon Cucumber mist was such a pleasant surprise! My sensitive, combo skin LOVED it, even more so than the Rose Mist. Plus, it's travel friendly! Looking forward to my next purchase!” she exclaims. The mist not only soothed her skin but also fit perfectly into her on-the-go lifestyle, proving to be a refreshing revelation during the hot summer days.

Inspire Your Own Transformation

These stories illustrate that clear, healthy skin is attainable for everyone, no matter how persistent or challenging your summer breakouts may seem. With 100% PURE products, many have found their solution, and you can too. Let Livia, Lisabella's godson, and Julie inspire you to embark on your own journey towards flawless skin. Believe in the potential for transformation, and take the first step with 100% PURE. Your story of radiant, breakout-free skin could be the next one we share.

100% PURE Tea Tree Deep Detox Mask.

Start Managing Summer Breakouts Today

Summer is a time for fun, sun, and relaxation. But for many, it's also the season when pesky breakouts make an unwelcome appearance. Imagine you're planning a perfect beach day, only to wake up with an unexpected breakout. It’s frustrating, but it doesn't have to be your reality. With the right approach and effective products, you can enjoy clear, radiant skin all summer long.

Discover the Power of 100% PURE

The journey to breakout-free skin starts with choosing the right products. 100% PURE offers a range of skincare solutions crafted from the purest ingredients nature has to offer. Their commitment to purity means you can trust what you’re putting on your skin—no harsh chemicals, no toxins, just pure, effective skincare.

One standout product is the Tea Tree & Willow Clarifying Cleanser. This gentle yet powerful cleanser is designed to combat acne while soothing your skin. Infused with tea tree oil and willow bark, it works to clear up existing breakouts and prevent new ones from forming.

Imagine the peace of mind that comes from using products that are not only effective but also kind to your skin and the environment. 100% PURE’s products embody this philosophy, giving you the confidence to embrace every summer moment.

Embrace Effective Strategies

While high-quality products are essential, they are just one part of the solution. Adopting a comprehensive skincare routine tailored to the summer season is equally important. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin hydrated and flushes out toxins that can contribute to breakouts.

  2. Choose Lightweight, Non-Comedogenic Products: Opt for skincare and makeup products that won’t clog your pores. 100% PURE’s Mattifying Primer is a great choice for keeping your skin smooth and shine-free without causing breakouts.

  3. Cleanse Twice Daily: Make it a habit to cleanse your face in the morning and before bed. This removes impurities and excess oil that accumulate throughout the day.

  4. Sun Protection is Key: Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day. 100% PURE’s Yerba Mate Mist SPF 30 not only protects your skin from harmful UV rays but also hydrates and refreshes.

  5. Keep Your Hands Off: Avoid touching your face as much as possible to prevent transferring bacteria and oils from your hands to your skin.

By integrating these strategies into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce the chances of summer breakouts.

Your Journey to Clear Skin

Ready to take control of your summer breakouts? Start by exploring 100% PURE’s extensive range of products designed specifically for acne-prone skin. Visit 100% PURE's Ingredient Glossary for detailed product information and to find the perfect match for your skin type.

If you have any questions or need personalized advice, 100% PURE’s customer support team is always ready to help. Reach out via their Customer Support Page for expert guidance and support.

Don’t let breakouts dim your summer glow. Embrace the season with confidence, knowing that clear, healthy skin is within your reach. Start managing your summer breakouts today with 100% PURE, and enjoy every sun-soaked moment to the fullest.


How often should I cleanse my face in hot weather to prevent breakouts?

In hot weather, it's crucial to cleanse your face twice daily—once in the morning and once before bed. This helps remove excess oil, sweat, and impurities that accumulate throughout the day, reducing the risk of clogged pores and breakouts. If you've been sweating heavily or wearing makeup, consider a gentle mid-day cleanse with micellar water or a cleansing wipe for an added refresh.

What are the best ingredients to look for in products for oily, breakout-prone skin?

For oily, breakout-prone skin, look for ingredients that help regulate oil production, unclog pores, and soothe inflammation. Key ingredients include:

  • Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antibacterial properties, it helps reduce acne-causing bacteria.

  • Salicylic Acid: A beta hydroxy acid (BHA) that penetrates deep into the pores to exfoliate and clear out debris.

  • Willow Bark Extract: A natural source of salicylic acid, it helps exfoliate and fight acne.

  • Niacinamide: This form of Vitamin B3 helps reduce inflammation and control oil production.

  • Aloe Vera: Soothes irritated skin and reduces redness associated with breakouts.

Can hydration help reduce breakouts in the summer?

Yes, staying hydrated is essential for maintaining healthy skin and reducing breakouts. Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins and keeps your skin hydrated from within, preventing it from producing excess oil that can lead to breakouts. Additionally, using lightweight, hydrating products can balance your skin's moisture levels without clogging pores.

How does sun protection affect breakout-prone skin?

Sun protection is crucial for all skin types, including breakout-prone skin. However, it's important to choose a sunscreen that is non-comedogenic, meaning it won't clog pores. Sun exposure can cause skin inflammation and damage, which may exacerbate breakouts. Using a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily helps protect your skin from harmful UV rays, preventing sunburn and long-term skin damage. Look for sunscreens that are labeled "oil-free" or "designed for acne-prone skin" to avoid triggering breakouts.

What lifestyle changes can help prevent summer breakouts?

In addition to a consistent skincare routine, certain lifestyle changes can help prevent summer breakouts:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated and flush out toxins.

  • Healthy Diet: Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Avoid excessive sugar and dairy, which can trigger breakouts for some people.

  • Manage Stress: Practice stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or regular exercise, as stress can increase hormone levels that trigger breakouts.

  • Clean Your Gear: Regularly clean items that come into contact with your face, such as your phone, pillowcases, and makeup brushes, to avoid transferring bacteria to your skin.

  • Limit Touching Your Face: Keep your hands away from your face to prevent transferring oils and bacteria that can cause breakouts.

We carefully hand-select products based on strict purity standards, and only recommend products we feel meet this criteria. 100% PURE™ may earn a small commission for products purchased through affiliate links.

The information in this article is for educational use, and not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be used as such.

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