We’re making a pit stop to soak up some serious getting back to nature time. While we’re out in the wild, we’ve concocted three easy DIY beauty hacks for you to bring on your next camping trip.
Camping is awesome. Getting some quality time in nature and reconnecting with your wild side is something everyone should do at least a few times a year (if not every week; walking in the park totally counts!). Did you know that being in nature is proven to be good for your health, happiness and not to mention soul? While on our sustainable road trip, we made a point to make a pit stop in the wild with some full blown camping time. Just because you’re in nature, doesn’t mean you can’t have a little bit of personal care amenities. Camping gets a little less fun when you constantly feel dirty, grimy and greasy. To make your camp experience better, we’ve pulled together our 3 favorite camping beauty hacks to make you the base camp beauty expert.
Beauty Camping Hack #1: DIY Reusable Facial Wipes
If you aren’t already on this tip, then get ready to become most popular camper at the camp site. This road trip is all about being green, without compromising on anything, so in lieu of traditional one-use facial wipes that are piling up in our landfills, we’re whipping together a green version that you’ll be able to use camping trip, after camping trip.

STEP ONE: Water Tight Jar
We’re using a small glass mason jar, but feel free to use any container you have around the house. The only must is it make sure it’s watertight!

STEP TWO: Reusable Facial Wipes
If you’re extra crafty, you can sew your own, but if you’re looking for a fast DIY project, there are plenty of sewing machine savvy people on the internet who have already made small reusable facial wipes. We bought organic bamboo facial wipes for this project because bamboo is a sustainable and fast growing plant.

STEP THREE: Natural Facial Cleanser
Pick your favorite 100% PURE natural facial cleanser that fits your skin type. We were already toting along our Argan Oil Creamy Cleanser from our previous story from the road: Aloe Vera in Skincare and Makeup, so we’ll be using that formula. Squeeze about 1 Tablespoon of cleanser into the mason jar and fill about half way with purified or distilled water. It’s important to use distilled or purified water so your jar won’t turn into a science project with mold or bacteria. Close the lid, and give your container a good shake to mix up your formula.

STEP FOUR: Happy, Clean Camper
Fill your jar with as many reusable wipes as you’d like. We were able to fit about 10-12 facial wipes. Enough to share with the whole campsite. After using your facial wipes, you can toss them in a little bag to wash when you get home. It’s amazing what a clean face can do for your spirits and not to mention your complexion; avoiding having dirt and oil sit on your skin all night long.
Beauty Camping Hack #2: DIY Natural Dry Shampoo
Do you get slightly panicky or nervous when you hear that the camp area doesn’t have any showers? No judgement -- so do we! We haven’t quite mastered how to play off greasy hair, so we’ve done some field research to help you stay sane sans shower. Our DIY natural dry shampoo recipe will have your hair looking fresh and so clean in a flash.

STEP ONE: Light or Dark Hair
If you have lighter hair, you’ll be using organic cornstarch as your base. If you have darker hair, we don’t want you walking around the woods looking like you have a powdered wig on, so we’ve figured out how to degrease your hair, too! You’ll need organic unsweetened cocoa powder and organic cornstarch.
Everyone with lighter hair: you’re getting off easy and can skip this step, since organic cornstarch works just like conventional dry shampoo. Lightly sprinkle some on the crown of your head and comb through. Donezo!
All you beautiful dark haired campers: you’ll need to mix a 50/50 ratio of organic unsweetened cocoa powder and organic cornstarch. Give a quick mix and then proceed as you normally would with dry shampoo. Lightly sprinkle some of your light cocoa mixture on the crown of your head and comb through.
Beauty Camping Hack #3: DIY Natural Leave-In Conditioner
Will you be camping beachside, and spending your days relaxing in the sun and sand? We’ve got you covered. Your hair might end up being on the drier side due to that hair frying combo of salt and sun. Our DIY natural leave-in conditioner is the perfect on-the-go companion to spritz your thirsty locks back to life.

STEP ONE: Empty Spray Bottle
We brought along a small amber glass spray bottle as our container. If you’re at the end of your Lavender Tonique, this would also be a perfect vessel (and not to mention extra green by upcycling your old bottle before recycling it).

STEP TWO: Natural Conditioner
Pick your favorite 100% PURE natural conditioner that fits your hair type or your favorite scent. We packed our summer favorite: Sea Algae Hair Mask. The amount of conditioner you add all depends on your bottle size (our bottle is 2 oz.). If using a 2 oz bottle, add about 1 Teaspoon of natural conditioner, fill will water, then shake it up. Speaking of splendid sea-derived gems, have you read our Sustainable Road Trip Series: All About California Seaweed?

STEP THREE: Hydrate Thirsty Hair
Give your bottle a good shake before each use. Spray your dry or just-out-of-the-ocean hair as needed. This nutrient rich leave-in spray is the perfect dose of on-the-go hydration and fits perfectly in your beach bag.
We’re about to wrap up our Sustainable Road Trip series and heading back towards 100% PURE Headquarters. If you missed any of our road trip stops, check out one of our recent favorites What are the Benefits of Caffeine in Skincare?
- Tags: August-2017, Hair Care, Living, Shopping Guides, Trends
We carefully hand-select products based on strict purity standards, and only recommend products we feel meet this criteria. 100% PURE™ may earn a small commission for products purchased through affiliate links.
The information in this article is for educational use, and not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be used as such.